AI News

Develop a Conversational AI Bot in 4 simple steps by André Ribeiro

Creating a Serverless Python Chatbot API in Microsoft Azure from Scratch in 9 Easy Steps by Christiano Christakou The advent of local models has been welcomed by businesses looking to build their own custom LLM applications. They enable developers to build solutions that can run offline and adhere to their privacy and security requirements. The […]

Develop a Conversational AI Bot in 4 simple steps by André Ribeiro Lire la suite »

From Bard to Gemini: Google’s ChatGPT Competitor Gets a New Name and a New App

Google AI chabot Bard is now called Gemini “Gemini in Gmail, Docs and more will act as your AI collaborative partner, allowing you to create, synthesize information, communicate, get more things done right from within the tools you’re already using.” “This is the beginning and we will continue to improve Gemini Advanced’s capabilities,” Hsiao said.

From Bard to Gemini: Google’s ChatGPT Competitor Gets a New Name and a New App Lire la suite »

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